Kitchen gardens and school lunches

The introduction of kitchen gardens to boost up schools feeding program in primary schools by LTP has boosted learner enrollment and retention rates in schools The program is not only a contribution from LTP projects, but parents are encouraged to also make either...

Handing over LTPs 3 year RUWASS project

LTPs 3 years’ water, sanitation, and hygiene project in Alebtong district finally came to an end. The long journey that was meant to shorten the distance travelled by women, men, and children from Abako and Amugu Sub Counties, Alebtong District in search of clean...

Staff training: content creation and web updates

For long LTP Uganda depended on help from outside to create content like video, photos and for updating basic elements on the website. In March of 2023 volunteer Hugo Lingeman came to Lira for a two weeks training. Video and photography As beginners in photography...