The introduction of kitchen gardens to boost up schools feeding program in primary schools by LTP has boosted learner enrollment and retention rates in schools The program is not only a contribution from LTP projects, but parents are encouraged to also make either in-kind contribution or cash to top up to the projects contribution with the believe that as the project comes to an end, parents and the schools will be able to sustain the school feeding program. Children and teachers also trained in how to maintain their school gardens. The program is being implemented by Link to Progress in 16 primary schools across 3 districts currently benefiting from her projects. Adongo Mary, a 42-year-old parent narrated that when Link to Progress came to the school and invited parent meeting, they explained the details of the program including the objectives of the school feeding program, the importance of education and the future life for all children. So, the community including me were very happy with the food security and future educational goals for the children. In the previous time, I did not know the value of education and I had no expectation for my children’s future, and I knew only to get money for household daily needs.  Sometimes I let my children do household work instead of letting them go to school.  However, because of school feeding program my husband and I try our best to keep our children in school. It would be very difficult to keep our children in school without the school feeding program.

We are happy that due to such initiatives, parents are able to realize their roles in keeping their children in school, not only through their contributions towards school lunches but also providing scholastic materials for their children.