Handing over LTPs 3 year RUWASS project

LTPs 3 years’ water, sanitation, and hygiene project in Alebtong district finally came to an end. The long journey that was meant to shorten the distance travelled by women, men, and children from Abako and Amugu Sub Counties, Alebtong District in search of clean...

Improvement of quality learning environment

Link to Progress Launches a project “Improvement of quality learning environment at Barmwony Primary School, Oyam district.” In April 2021, Link to Progress secured funding from Visions for Children, a German based organization that prioritizes children’s...

Training of committee members

Water source committee members are water users who are elected and trained to manage a particular water source, in April 2021, Link to Progress organised for the training which started on the 19th of April 2021 up to the 30th of April 2021. The trainings targeted the...

10 new boreholes in Alebtong district

In June 2020, Link to Progress secured funding from the Koornzaayer Foundation to implement a 3 years water and sanitation project in Alebtong district of northern Uganda. The project started with a consultative meeting at the district which saw the selection of two...

Community empowerment

Stories Stories and Case studies These stories and case studies are PDF-documents and open in a new tab. Bridging the gap Bridging the gap in water, sanitation and hygiene in Northern Uganda-Oyam district Read the document Community empowerment Community empowerment...