Health and Nutrition

Generally, challenges experienced by the public in accessing health care in northern Uganda include regular stock-out of medication, absents of medical staff, lack of regular and emergency transport to health facilities, limited awareness of proper hygiene and nutrition standards and lack of the capacity to meet such basic standards for their families, one known outcome is high levels of iron- deficiencies in children.

In a way of dealing with these challenges, Link to Progress’ integrated program component of Health and nutrition provides for a contribution to schools’ lunch programs where the schools’ lunch is supplemented with nutrients needed for good health, planting of fruit trees at the school to complement the diet of the children and conducting annual medical checks for children in selected districts of northern Uganda.

Since 2022, 3 medical camps for children have jointly been organized by Link to Progress in partnership with the Medical checks for children (MCC) Netherlands in Oyam and Otuke districts where LTP operates.
The camps provided a variety of services to over 3,000 children and caregivers including awareness creation through health related information, free medical checks, nutrition assessment, treatment for children below the age of 12, and referral of complicated cases for specialized treatment.