Economic Empowerment and livelihood

Livelihood and food security LTP aims at improving the livelihood resilience of smallholder farmers, women, youth, and people with disabilities. This project is contributing to increased household income and consequently improves the standard of living. To date the...

University scholarships for underprivileged students

Education scholarships for underprivileged students LTP is passionate about providing access to education scholarships to vulnerable youths to help them reach their dreams and full potential without any hurdles in life. LTP is complementary to the efforts made by the...

Construction of infrastructure

Construction of infrastructure LTP is passionate about improving the learning environment for children in schools and strengthening the education system to improve service delivery in Uganda government headed schools. LTP also aims at contributing towards improved...

Capacity building

Capacity building Capacity building of community-based structures on Good WASH practices. LTP works with community-based groups such as the water and sanitation committees and the local leaders to increase awareness on sanitation and hygiene, mobilize communities for...