Link to Progress (LTP) shares in the passion of empowering and equipping the girl child to enable them stay in school full time and for this reason, in March 2023 with funding from Visions for Children,LTP conducted both theoretical and hands on training of pupils, teachers and school management committees on menstrual health and hygiene. A total of four schools including Amele, Atangwata, Oluro and Okune Primary Schools in Otuke District benefitted.
The main goal of the training safeguarding girls dignity, privacy, bodily integrity and acceptance, and, consequently, their self-efficiency/full participation in their day to day activities.
The boys and parents participation is to encourage awareness and acceptance of the girls while for the parents, it was for them to appreciate the need for their involvement in menstrual hygiene management of the girl child.
At the end of the raining, the participants got a life skill of making reusable sanitary towel which can be passed on to their siblings and mates for proper management of menstrual hygiene.